Alguns "não terminados" terminados - Finished UFO's
Tinha um "jelly roll" da linha Fresh Air by Moda que não sabia como usar. Achei entre minhas revistas um trilho e decidi tentar. Foi super rápido cortar e montar e eis o resultado. Os tecidos são lindos, mas senti um pouco de dificuldade de me acostumar com as estampas grandes. Estou de olho em várias coleções de tecidos bem contemporâneos, cores diferentes e especialmente estampas marcantes, como as de Amy Butler, Anna Maria Horner e Joel Dewberry.
I had a Fresh Air by Moda jelly roll and did not how I was going to use it. I found a runner pattern in one of my magazines and decided to try it. It was very fast and easy to cut, piece and sew and here are the results. The fabric is beautiful, but I had some difficult getting used to the larger prints. I have been looking at various contemporary fabric collections, with different colors and especially the new prints. Some are Amy Butler, Anna Maria Horner e Joel Dewberry.
3 comentários:
Hi Maria
I haven't been able to find an email address for you so I will use this way of contacting you. I love the quilt you sent me and really appreciate all the time you spent making it. Its on the wall opposite my chair where I sit to eat and I look at it at meal times every day. So I think of you often and the lovely generous card you sent me too.
Best Wishes
HI.....I'm still loving your twisted log cabin quilt!! Would you mind sharing where you got the pattern?
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